Daftar Publikasi Departemen Parasitologi FK-KMK UGM

No. Publikasi / Published articles
Protozoologi / Protozoology
1. Murhandarwati EEH, Herningtyas EH, Puspawati P, Mau F, Chen SB, Shen HM, Chen JH. Genetic diversity of Merozoite surface protein 1-42 (MSP1-42) fragment of Plasmodium vivax from Indonesian isolates: Rationale implementation of candidate MSP1 vaccine. Infect Genet Evol. 2020;85:104573.
2. Kusumasari RA, Syairaji M.  Uji Validitas dan Efikasi Crypto/Giardia Duo-Strip dalam Mendeteksi Cryptosporidium spp. di Desa Tulehu, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Provinsi Maluku. J Kes V. 2020;5(3):189-195.
3. Surendra H, Supargiyono, Ahmad RA, Kusumasari RA, Rahayujati TB, Damayanti SY, Tetteh KKA, Chitnis C, Stresman G, Cook J, Drakeley C. Using health facility-based serological surveillance to predict receptive areas at risk of malaria outbreaks in elimination areas. BMC Med. 2020;18(1):9.
4. Rejeki DSS, Fuad A, Widartono BS, Murhandarwati EEH, Kusnanto H. Spatiotemporal patterns of malaria at cross-boundaries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia. Malar J. 2019;18(1):80.
5. Rejeki DSS, Nurhayati N, Aji B, Murhandarwati EEH, Kusnanto H. A Time Series Analysis: Weather Factors, Human Migration and Malaria Cases in Endemic Area of Purworejo, Indonesia, 2005-2014. Iran J Public Health. 2018;47(4):499-509.
6. Deo, V.K., Inagaki, Y., Murhandarwati, E.H., Asmara, W., Miyazaki, T., Kato, T. and Park, E.Y., 2019. Sero-diagnostic potential of Plasmodium falciparum recombinant merozoite surface protein (MSP)-3 expressed in silkworm. Parasitology international72, p.101938.
7. Murhandarwati EEH, Fuad A, Herwanto GB, Kusumasari RA, Wijayanti MA, Supargiyono.  Uji Silang Digital sebagai Alternatif Uji Banding Manual Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Malaria di Kulon Progo. JPKM. 2018;4(1):72-87.
Helmintologi / Helminthology
1. Kridaningsih TN, Sukmana DJ, Mufidah H, Diptyanusa A, Kusumasari RA, Burdam FH, Kenangalem E, Poespoprodjo JR, Fuad A, Mahendradhata Y, Supargiyono S, Utzinger J, Becker SL, Murhandarwati EEH. Epidemiology and risk factors of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Papua, Indonesia: a molecular diagnostic study. Acta Trop. 2020;209:105575.
2. Sarirah M, Wijayanti MA, Murhandarwati EEH. Comparison of mini-flotac and Kato-Katz methods for detecting soil-transmitted helminth eggs in 10% formalin preserved stools stored  ≥12 months. Trop Biomed. 2019;36(3):677-686.
3. Kristanti H, Meyanti F, Wijayanti MA, Mahendradhata Y, Polman K, Chappuis F, Utzinger J, Becker SL, Murhandarwati EEH. Diagnostic comparison of Baermann funnel, Koga agar plate culture and polymerase chain reaction for detection of human Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Maluku, Indonesia. Parasitol Res. 2018;117(10):3229-3235.
Entomologi / Entomology
1. Diptyanusa A, Herini ES, Indarjulianto S, Satoto TBT. The detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in Megachiropteran bats in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: A potential enzootic transmission pattern in the absence of pig holdings. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2021;14:280-286.
2. Mulyaningsih B, Umniyati SR, Hadisusanto S, Edyansyah E. Fauna associated with Malayan filariasis transmission in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Vet World. 2021;14(7):1954-1959.
3. Garjito TA, Susanti L, Mujiyono M, Prihatin MT, Susilo D, Nugroho SS, Mujiyanto M, Wigati RA, Satoto TBT, Manguin S, Gavotte L, Frutos R. Assessment of Mosquito Collection Methods for Dengue Surveillance. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:685926.
4. Garjito TA, Widiarti W, Hidajat MC, Handayani SW, Mujiyono M, Prihatin MT, Ubaidillah R, Sudomo M, Satoto TBT, Manguin S, Gavotte L, Frutos R. Homogeneity and Possible Replacement of Populations of the Dengue Vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Indonesia. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021;11:705129.
5. Diptyanusa A, Lazuardi L, Jatmiko RH. Implementation of geographical information systems for the study of diseases caused by vector-borne arboviruses in Southeast Asia: A review based on the publication record. Geospat Health. 2020;15(1).
6. Satoto TBT, Satrisno H, Lazuardi L, Diptyanusa A, Purwaningsih, Rumbiwati, Kuswati. Insecticide resistance in Aedes aegypti: An impact from human urbanization? PLoS One. 2019;14(6):e0218079.
7. Mulyaningsih B, Umniyati SR, Hadisusanto S, Edyansyah E. Study on vector mosquito of zoonotic Brugia malayi in Musi Rawas, South Sumatera, Indonesia. Vet World. 2019;12(11):1729-1734.
8. Satoto TBT, Listyantanto A, Agustjahjani SD, Josef HK, Widartono BS. Vertical transmission of dengue virus in the Yogyakarta airport area. Environ Health Prev Med. 2018;23(1):22.
Parasitologi Klinik dan Sosial / Clinical and Community Parasitology
1. Lama Yonzon, C., Padmawati, R.S., Subedi, R.K., Paudel, S., Ghimire, A. and Murhandarwati, E.H., 2021. Exploring determinants of hydrocele surgery coverage related to Lymphatic Filariasis in Nepal: An implementation research study. PloS one16(2), p.e0244664.
2. Diptyanusa A, Sari IP. Treatment of human intestinal cryptosporidiosis: A review of published clinical trials. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 2021;17:128-138.
3. Ahmad, R.A., Ferdiana, A., Surendra, H., Sy, T.R., Herbianto, D., Rahayujati, T.B., Rejeki, D.S.S. and Murhandarwati, E.E.H., 2021. A participatory approach to address within‐country cross‐border malaria: the case of Menoreh Hills in Java, Indonesia. Malaria Journal20(1), pp.1-9.
4. Diptyanusa A, Phumratanaprapin W. Predictors and Outcomes of Dengue-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021;105(1):24–30.
5. Diptyanusa A, Zablon KN. Addressing budget reduction and reallocation on health-related resources during COVID-19 pandemic in malaria-endemic countries. Malar J. 2020;19(1):411.
6. Diptyanusa A, Kusumasari RA, Satoto TBT. Health Belief Model of Persistent Dengue Transmission in Klaten, Indonesia. Am J Health Behav. 2020;44(2):188-199.
7. Diptyanusa A, Phumratanaprapin W, Phonrat B, Poovorawan K, Hanboonkunupakarn B, Sriboonvorakul N, Thisyakorn U. Characteristics and associated factors of acute kidney injury among adult dengue patients: A retrospective single-center study. PloS One. 2019;14(1):e0210360.
8. Sikora, S.A., Poespoprodjo, J.R., Kenangalem, E., Lampah, D.A., Sugiarto, P., Laksono, I.S., Ahmad, R.A. and Murhandarwati, E.E.H., 2019. Intravenous artesunate plus oral dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine or intravenous quinine plus oral quinine for optimum treatment of severe malaria: lesson learnt from a field hospital in Timika, Papua, Indonesia. Malaria journal18(1), pp.1-12.
9. Nugroho, H.A., Marsiano, A.F.D., Xaphakdy, K., Sihakhom, P., Frannita, E.L., Nurfauzi, R. and Murhandarwati, E.E.H., 2019, October. Multithresholding Approach for Segmenting Plasmodium Parasites. In 2019 11th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
10. Diptyanusa A, Ngamprasertchai T, Piyaphanee W. A review of antibiotic prophylaxis for traveler’s diarrhea: past to present. Trop Dis Travel Med Vaccines. 2018;4:14.